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Sizzlin' Maple
$ 6.99
Chili Pepper
$ 6.99
Jalapeno Mojo
$ 6.99
Carolina Reaper
$ 8.99
Habanero Mojo
$ 6.99
Bold Teriyaki
$ 6.99
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Ghost Pepper
$ 6.99
Blazin Warrior
$ 6.99

Savage Jerky Scoville Ratings

The Scoville scale rates peppers based on their hotness using a Scoville heat unit (SHU), which varies based on not only the peppers themselves but also how they are prepared. When seeds and capsaicin (the inner tissue of a pepper) are removed or diluted, they tend to lose some of their pungency.

Jalapeno SHU

Jalapeno peppers tend to be milder than habaneros, but again it’s all about the way the peppers are processed and diluted. On the Scoville scale, jalapenos varieties of chili peppers range from 2,500 to 40,000 SHU.

Savage Jerky’sMojo Jalapeno Premium Beef Jerky is perfect for anyone who’s looking for just a tiny kick to their snacks. 

Red chili pepper SHU

The sauce that goes with everything — sriracha — is made from red jalapeno peppers and packs mild heat, ranging from 2,500 to 40,000 SHU. Craving something savory, sweet and spicy? We got you covered

Try Savage Jerky’s sweet hot beef jerkySriracha Teriyaki Premium Beef Jerky, a perfect mix of sugar and spices.

Habanero SHU

With more than 100 varieties of habaneros around the world, most have about 300,000 SHU, though you’ll find some with less potency and with more. The orange habanero is the most common variety, which you’ll see in your grocery store, and it has 100,000 to 350,000 SHU.

OurMojo Habanero Premium Beef Jerky and Habanero Buffalo Sauce Premium Beef Jerky are moderately hot beef jerky snacks.

Ghost pepper SHU

Ghost peppers are among the hottest peppers in the world. Developed in northern India, the ghost pepper is a hybrid known as bhut jolokia and boasts 500,000 to over 1 million SHU. In layman’s terms: They’re friggin’ hot.

Our Ghost Pepper Buffalo Sauce Premium Beef Jerky is not intended for the meek. Yeah, grab a tissue. 

Carolina Reaper

We took the world’s hottest pepper and added it to the world's most tender and delicious jerky for a burn that lasts twice as long. Carolina Reaper peppers boast more than 1 million SHU. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

For off-the-charts hot and flaming-hot spicy beef jerky, try the Savage JerkyReaper Premium Beef Jerky